Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The final few photos from Room 3!

We had an absolute ball on our school tour!!! We saw lots of animals like cows, llamas, pigs and sheep. We had a ride in a horse and cart. We searched and searched for fairies in the fairy forest and just spotted one before we left!

Here we are creating Our Family Portraits. These were for sale in the Community Fete. Everyone made a gorgeous pictures!


 We learned all about the life cycle of the frog and drew our own frogs. Amazing artists!!!!

Our fruit party was a great success. We tasted so many different types of fruit and learned loads about healthy eating!

 The farm in the classroom was a great success! We milked cows, cleaned up after the pigs, drove the tractor and so much more!! Even Farmer Dan came to visit!!

 At the end of  our restaurant theme, we all became chefs and designed and decorated our own cupcakes. YUM!!!!!